
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." ♥Marilyn Monroe

Friday, September 23, 2011

My Five Favorite Things about Fall

Happy Autumn!

I don't really have a favorite season, but I do love fall a lot. I love the perfect temperatures, fall fashion, and just the overall setting. So without further ado and in no particular order, here are my five favorite things about fall:

1. The Fair
[This picture does not belong to me.]
I love the fair because of the rides, the food, the mini-games, the fireworks, and the overall feel of it. It's so much fun getting a group of friends together and enjoying ourselves there. (:

2. Boots
[This picture does not belong to me.]
I love wearing Uggs, because it's just like wearing a thick pair of fluffy socks! Also, they go with everything and are super casual. With jeans and a hoodie, you get the perfect casual, girl-next-door fall look.

3. Hot Chocolate
[This picture does not belong to me.]
Mm.. hot chocolate! Fall weather, to me, is the perfect weather for relaxing with a good book and a delicious cup of hot chocolate. Especially once it really starts cooling down! Where I live, the weather tends to fluctuate, so it's rather warm at the moment. However, last week, it was just the right temperature for this yummy drink and I had my first cup of the season. :)

4. Scenery
[This picture does not belong to me.]
Personally, I extremely dislike the color orange. Like, to the point where I don't even own an orange item of clothing. However, even I have to admit that in the fall, the reds and yellows and oranges juust blend together beautifully.

5. Halloween
[This picture does not belong to me.]
To me, Halloween never gets old. Even now, I still go trick-or-treating. Why wouldn't I? It's free candy! Haha, but also, Halloween's a time to dress up and have fun - whether it's for a party or just for getting free candy! I love to drive around my neighborhood and look at all of the Halloween decorations that everyone has - especially the creative jack-'o-lanterns!

So these are my favorite things about fall! Hope you enjoyed them! :)

*** This was the first post in which I have not used my own pictures. All other pictures have been taken by me unless.

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