
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." ♥Marilyn Monroe

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

outfit of the day - - - september 5

Look, it's a kitty! ^^ Haha, so I recently got this sweater/sweatshirt at Forever 21 and I love it! I think it's really cute and it's super comfortable. I actually got this a size up because it was on sale when I got it, but I like it this way because I really like the whole oversized sweater trend. I felt kinda nerdy-prep when I wore this today; I don't know if that's an accurate description of the style, but whatever. x) 

Also, I love these shoes. They're like wedge booties from Target and they have a kind of clog design, I guess? 

And you can't tell with the sweater on, but the collared shirt is really cool! I really like how it's made of lace, and the sleeves are studded! I decided to pair this under the sweater because I like the collar trend and I think it peeks out kinda nicely.

Sweater: Forever 21
Collared Top: China
Bottoms: Abercrombie Kids
Shoes: Target


  1. Oh my gosh! Adorable! I really love the collared shirt - the lace and studs look (surprisingly) really cool together.

    I think I may need to hire you as a personal shopper/outfit creator from now on. :)

  2. Haha, thanks! But yeah, that's what I thought about the shirt too! Plus it was made in China so it was a steal x)

    You totally should! Haha, that would be so much fun ^^

  3. Please. Like, seriously, I need you to just come over one day and go through my clothes and say, "Okay, you should wear this shirt, with these pants/shorts/skirt, with this belt/bracelet/necklace." And then take me shopping for anything else I may need. :)

  4. I could totally do that!! Just say when and I'll be there! ;D
