
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." ♥Marilyn Monroe

Sunday, September 2, 2012

outfit of the day - - - september 1

So now that my school schedule is pretty lax and leaves me with nothing to do, I'm gonna try to blog more! A Labor Day Weekend Haul should be coming pretty soon.. But no promises.

Anyways, these shorts are kind of awesome because a) they look like a skirt! and b) they have POCKETS. It's really different from anything else I have in my closet, and I really liked the pattern as well.

Top: Forever 21
Shorts: Forever 21
Belt: Forever 21
Necklace: Charming Charlie's
Headband: Claire's


  1. Those are shorts?!? Oh my gosh, they're so cute! I need those! :)

  2. Thanks!! :) I got them for like $4 too; Forever 21 was having a crazy sale on Friday!

  3. Cool! Haha, I haven't been shopping in, like, forever...I think since Aaron was here, when I found that lace dress at Delia's. Trying to wait until the fall before I do any more shopping. :)
